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The International Law of Human Rights

The International Law of Human Rights



Laporan Tahunan 2003

Laporan Tahunan 2003

Human Rights Quarterly Volume 44, Number 2, May 2022: A Comparative And International Journal Of The Social Sciences, Humanities, And Law

Human Rights Quarterly Volume 44, Number 2, May 2022: A Comparative And International Journal Of The Social Sciences, Humanities, And Law

Hak Ekonomi, Sosial, Budaya: Esai-Esai Pilihan: Buku 2

General Comment No. 01: Reporting by States Parties

General Comment No. 01: Reporting by States Parties

General Comment No. 02: International Technical Assistance Measures

General Comment No. 02: International Technical Assistance Measures

Indigenous Data Sovereignty: Toward an agenda

Indigenous Data Sovereignty: Toward an agenda

Civil Society and Transitional Justice: In Asia and the Pacific

Civil Society and Transitional Justice: In Asia and the Pacific

id 21 insights: Making business work for development / #54 - April 2005

id 21 insights: Making business work for development / #54 - April 2005

Anatomy of Social Violence in the Context of Transition: The case of Indonesia 1990-2001

Human Rights Quarterly Volume 40 Number 4 November 2018: A Comparative and International Journal of the Social Sciences, Humanities, and Law

Human Rights Quarterly Volume 40 Number 4 November 2018: A Comparative and International Journal of the Social Sciences, Humanities, and Law

Journal of Human Rights Practice Volume 10 Number 2 July 2018

Journal of Human Rights Practice Volume 10 Number 2 July 2018

Human Rights and Structural Adjustment

Human Rights and Structural Adjustment

Aceh: The Role of Democracy for Peace and Reconstruction

Aceh: The Role of Democracy for Peace and Reconstruction

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