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Sejarah Sosial Media: Dari Gutenberg sampai Internet

Sejarah Sosial Media: Dari Gutenberg sampai Internet

Global & Strategis

Global & Strategis

Democracy and Democratization

Democracy and Democratization

Menangkan Pemilu! Petunjuk Praktis bagi Kandidat

Menangkan Pemilu! Petunjuk Praktis bagi Kandidat

United Nations Legal Order Volume 1

United Nations Legal Order Volume 1

Basic Facts about the United Nations

Basic Facts about the United Nations

Human Rights Perspective and Challenge: (In 1990 and Beyond)

Human Rights Perspective and Challenge: (In 1990 and Beyond)

TEORI PEMBANGUNAN: Dekonstruksi/Rekonstruksi

TEORI PEMBANGUNAN: Dekonstruksi/Rekonstruksi

Human Rights for Children: A Curriculum for Teaching Human Rights to Children Ages 3-12

Human Rights for Children: A Curriculum for Teaching Human Rights to Children Ages 3-12

Human Rights in Developing Countries Yearbook 1997

Human Rights in Developing Countries Yearbook 1997

Islam and Democracy

Islam and Democracy

Demokrasi dan Demokratisasi: Proses dan Prospek dalam Sebuah Dunia yang Sedang Berubah

Demokrasi dan Demokratisasi: Proses dan Prospek dalam Sebuah Dunia yang Sedang Berubah

Capitalist Development & Democracy

Capitalist Development & Democracy

Encouraging Democracy: What Role for Conditioned Aid?

Encouraging Democracy: What Role for Conditioned Aid?


VISI: Demokrasi Minus

VISI: Demokrasi Minus

An Agenda for Democratization

An Agenda for Democratization

International IDEA Handbook on Democracy Assessment

International IDEA Handbook on Democracy Assessment

Justice Without Violence

Justice Without Violence

Human Rights: The New consensus

Human Rights: The New consensus

The HR Scorecard: Linking People, Strategy, and Performance

The HR Scorecard: Linking People, Strategy, and Performance

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