Image of Human Rights Quarterly Volume 38 Number 3 August 2016: A Comparative and International Journal of the Social Sciences, Humanities, and Law


Human Rights Quarterly Volume 38 Number 3 August 2016: A Comparative and International Journal of the Social Sciences, Humanities, and Law



NGO Justice: African Rights as Pseudo-Prosecutor of the Rwandan Genocide
Luc Reydams

Women's Progress and Women's Human Rights
Martha C. Nussbaum

Rethinking What is Necessary in a Democratic Society: Militant Democracy and the Turkish State
Kathleen Cavanaugh, Edel Hughes

The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention: Procedures and Summer of Jurisprudence
David S. Weissbrodt, Brittany Mitchell

Translating Law into Practice: Museums and a Human Rights Community of Practice
Jennifer A. Orange

Freedom of Religion and Apostasy: The Malaysian Experience
Nehaluddin Ahmad, Ahmad Masum, Abdul Mohaimin Ayus

Human Rights as Peacemaker: An Integrative Theory of International Human Rights
David E. Guinn

Linking Discourse and Practice: The Human Rights-Based Approach to Development in the Village Assaini Program in the Kongo Central
Tine Destrooper


LGBTs in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights in Iran: Analysis from Religious, Social, Legal and Cultural Perspectives, by International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission
Reza Afshari

Human Rights in Children's Literature: Imagination and the Narrative of Law, by Jonathan Todres & Sarah Higinbotham; Bringing Human Rights Education to US Classrooms: Exemplary Models from Elementary Grades to University (Susan Roberta Katz & Andrea McEvoy Spero eds.)
Nancy Flowers

Democracy without Justice in Spain: The Politics of Forgetting, by Omar G. Encarnacion
William J. Nichols

Human Rights in American Foreign Policy; From the 1960s to the Soviet Collapse, by Joe Renouard
David P. Forsythe



8451GEN II Human/2016Perpustakaan Komnas HAMTersedia

Informasi Detil

Judul Seri
No. Panggil
GEN II Human/2016
Penerbit Johns Hopkins University Press : Hanover.,
Deskripsi Fisik
303 pages; 23 x 15 cm.
Tipe Isi

Versi lain/terkait

Human Rights Quarterly Volume 38 Number 1 February 2016: A Comparative and International Journal of the Social Sciences, Humanities, and LawVolume 38 Number 1 February 2016en
Human Rights Quarterly Volume 38 Number 2 May 2016: A Comparative and International Journal of the Social Sciences, Humanities, and LawVolume 38 Number 2 May 2016en
Human Rights Quarterly Volume 38 Number 4 November 2016: A Comparative and International Journal of the Social Sciences, Humanities, and LawVolume 38 Number 4 November 2016en



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