Image of Green Governance: Ecological Survival, Human Rights, and the Law of the Commons


Green Governance: Ecological Survival, Human Rights, and the Law of the Commons

The vast majority of the world's scientists agree: we have reached a point in history where we are in grave danger of destroying Earth's life-sustaining capacity. But our attempts to protect natural ecosystems are increasingly ineffective because our very conception of the problem is limited; we treat "the environment” as its own separate realm, taking for granted prevailing but outmoded conceptions of economics, national sovereignty, and international law. Green Governance is a direct response to the mounting calls for a paradigm shift in the way humans relate to the natural environment. It opens the door to a new set of solutions by proposing a compelling new synthesis of environmental protection based on broader notions of economics and human rights and on commons-based governance. Going beyond speculative abstractions, the book proposes a new architecture of environmental law and public policy that is as practical as it is theoretically sound.

Table of Contents

1. Trends that point toward a new synthesis
2. The human right to a clean and healthy environment
3. The quest for a new rights-based pathway
4. Making the conceptual transition to the new paradigm
5. The commons as a model for ecological governance
6. The rise of the commons movement globally
7. Imagining a new architecture of law and policy to support the ecological commons
8. Catalytic strategies for achieving green governance.


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Informasi Detil

Judul Seri
No. Panggil
INT V.90 Weston/2013
Penerbit Cambridge University Press : New York.,
Deskripsi Fisik
xxvi, 363 p.; 23 x 16 cm.
INT V.90
Tipe Isi

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