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Human Rights Quarterly Volume 43 Number 2 May 2021: A Comparative And International Journal Of The Social Sciences, Humanities, And Law
1. Viral Violence: Infectious Disease and Genocide
Payam Akhavan / pp. 247-258
2. The Scope and Implications of the International Criminal Court's Jurisdictional Decision over the Rohingya Crisis
Yuzuki Nagakoshi / pp. 259-289
3. Relocating Floating Communities in Cambodia: Kampong Chhnang
Rhona Smith / pp. 290-312
4. Against Essentialism in Conceptions of Human Rights and Human Nature
Benjamin Gregg / pp. 313-328
5. Despite or Because of Contestation? How Water Became a Human Right
Nina Reiners / pp. 329-343
6. Bioarchaeological Ethics and Considerations for the Deceased
Jayne-Leigh Thomas, Krystiana L. Krupa / pp. 344-354
7. "I Want to Move Forward. You Can Move Forward too." Articulating Indigenous Self-Determination at the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada
Karine Vanthuyne / pp. 355-377
8. Ending Sexual Harassment at Work: Creating a Baseline on Laws in 193 Countries
Amy Raub, Vahe Khachadourian, Elizabeth Wong, Aleta Sprague, Milad Pournik, Jody Heymann / pp. 378-393
9. Argentina Betrayed: Memory, Mourning, and Accountability by Antonius C.G.M. Robben (review)
Natasha Zaretsky Ph.D. / pp. 394-398
10. On the Right to Have Rights
Jordan David Thomas Walters / pp. 398-403
11. The UN Human Rights Council, a Practical Anatomy by Eric Tistounet (review)
Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro / pp. 404-410
12. The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Menstruation ed. by Chris Bobel et al. (review)
Elvira Domínguez Redondo / pp. 410-416
13. Human Rights in a Time of Populism: Challenges and Responses ed. by Gerald L. Neuman (review)
Andrew Fagan / pp. 416-421
14. Bitter Reckoning: Israel Tries Holocaust Survivors as Nazi Collaborators by Dan Porat (review)
John Hickman / pp. 421-423
15. Constitution-Making Under UN Auspices: Fostering Dependency in Sovereign Lands by Vijayashri Sripati (review)
Ilana Rothkopf / pp. 423-426
16. Faith, Gender and Activism in the Punjab Conflict: The Wheat Fields Still Whisper by Mallika Kaur (review)
Andreas E. Feldmann / pp. 426-428
17. Genocide Never Sleeps: Living Law at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda by Nigel Eltringham (review)
Franziska Boehme / pp. 428-429
18. Contributors / pp. 430-433
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Penerbit | Johns Hopkins University Press : Hanover., 2021 |
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187 pages; 7.5MB.
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Volume 43 Number 2 May 2021
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