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Human Rights Quarterly Volume 43 Number 1 February 2021: A Comparative And International Journal Of The Social Sciences, Humanities, And Law
1. Facilitated Communication, Neurodiversity, and Human Rights
William Paul Simmons, Janyce Boynton, and Todd Landman / pp. 138-167
2. A World Divided: The Global Struggle for Human Rights in the Age of Nation-States by Eric D. Weitz (review)
David Hawk / pp. 226-234
3. The Explosion of Household Debt: Curse or Blessing for Human Rights?
Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky / pp.1-28
4. To be or not to be?: Legal Identity in Crisis in Non-international Armed Conflicts
Katharine M. A. Fortin / pp. 29-69
5. Abusing Immigrants: An Analysis of Immigrant Enforcement and Mexican Migrant Claims of Human Rights Violations by Agents of the United States
Ricardo D. MartÃnez-Schuldt, Jacqueline Maria Hagan / pp. 70-92
6. Localization of Human Rights of People with Disabilities: The Case of Jewish Ultra-Orthodox People in Israel
Zvika Orr, Shifra Unger, Adi Finkelstein / pp. 93-116
7. The Linkages Between Business and Human Rights and Their Underlying Root Causes
Ilias Bantekas / pp. 117-137
8. Turning Up The Volume: The Amplification of Shame
Baekkwan Park, Amanda Murdie, David R. Davis / pp. 168-196
9. Unfinished Business: The Long Road Ahead to Civil Rights and Roma Rights
Jacqueline Bhabha / pp. 197-201
10. Hunting Justice: Displacement, Law, and Activism in the Kalahari by Maria Sapignoli (review)
Robert K. Hitchcock / pp. 202-205
11. Ghosts of Sheridan Circle: How a Washington Assassination Brought Pinochet's Terror State to Justice by Alan McPherson (review)
Doug Cassel / pp. 205-212
12. In Search of a Better World: A Human Rights Odyssey by Payam Akhavan (review)
William Schabas / pp. 212-214
13. Why New Realities Demand New Rights: The Coming Good Society by William F. Schulz & Sushma Raman (review)
Howard Tolley Jr. / pp. 214-217
14. The Global Impact and Legacy of Truth Commissions by ed. Jeremy Sarkin (review)
Paolo Caroli / pp. 218-225
15. The Ideals of Global Sport: From Peace to Human Rights ed. by Barbara J. Keys (review)
Theresa Keeley / pp. 234-237
16. Contemporary Slavery: The Rhetoric of Global Human Rights Campaigns ed. by Annie Bunting & Joel Quirk (review)
Kerry Ward / pp. 237-241
17. Contributors / pp. 242-246
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Penerbit | Johns Hopkins University Press : Hanover., 2021 |
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246 pages; 7.5 MB.
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Volume 43 Number 1 February 2021
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