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Human Rights Quarterly Volume 42 Number 2 May 2020: A Comparative And International Journal Of The Social Sciences, Humanities, And Law
Measuring Modern Slavery: Law, Human Rights, and New Forms of Data
Todd Landman
“Sleeping Beauty”: The Right to Science as a Global Ethical Discourse
Sebastian Porsdam Mann, Helle Porsdam, Yvonne Donders
China and the Special Procedures of the UN Human Rights Council: Is China Cooperative and Can They Work Better With Each Other?
Sun Meng, Lu Haina
Judging Inter-American Human Rights: The Riddle of Compliance with the Inter-American Court of Human Rights
Patricia Palacios Zuloaga
The Morality of Human Rights
Michael J. Perry
UAVs for the Benefit of People: The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Within the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission
Ambassador Ertuğrul Apakan, Cono Giardullo
Reducing Bias in Human Rights Fact-Finding: The Potential of the Clinical Simulation Model to Overcome Ethical, Practical, and Cultural Tensions in “Foreign” Contexts
James L. Cavallaro, Meghna Sridhar
Mourning Remains: State Atrocity, Exhumations, and Governing the Disappeared in Peru’s Postwar Andes by Isaias Rojas-Perez (review)
William Cawley
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E00055 | GEN II | Perpustakaan Komnas HAM | Tersedia |
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Penerbit | Johns Hopkins University Press : Hanover., 2020 |
Deskripsi Fisik |
218 pages; 7 MB.
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Volume 42 Number 2 May 2020
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