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Human Rights Quarterly Volume 38 Number 3 August 2016: A Comparative and International Journal of the Social Sciences, Humanities, and Law
NGO Justice: African Rights as Pseudo-Prosecutor of the Rwandan Genocide
Luc Reydams
Women's Progress and Women's Human Rights
Martha C. Nussbaum
Rethinking What is Necessary in a Democratic Society: Militant Democracy and the Turkish State
Kathleen Cavanaugh, Edel Hughes
The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention: Procedures and Summer of Jurisprudence
David S. Weissbrodt, Brittany Mitchell
Translating Law into Practice: Museums and a Human Rights Community of Practice
Jennifer A. Orange
Freedom of Religion and Apostasy: The Malaysian Experience
Nehaluddin Ahmad, Ahmad Masum, Abdul Mohaimin Ayus
Human Rights as Peacemaker: An Integrative Theory of International Human Rights
David E. Guinn
Linking Discourse and Practice: The Human Rights-Based Approach to Development in the Village Assaini Program in the Kongo Central
Tine Destrooper
LGBTs in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights in Iran: Analysis from Religious, Social, Legal and Cultural Perspectives, by International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission
Reza Afshari
Human Rights in Children's Literature: Imagination and the Narrative of Law, by Jonathan Todres & Sarah Higinbotham; Bringing Human Rights Education to US Classrooms: Exemplary Models from Elementary Grades to University (Susan Roberta Katz & Andrea McEvoy Spero eds.)
Nancy Flowers
Democracy without Justice in Spain: The Politics of Forgetting, by Omar G. Encarnacion
William J. Nichols
Human Rights in American Foreign Policy; From the 1960s to the Soviet Collapse, by Joe Renouard
David P. Forsythe
8451 | GEN II Human/2016 | Perpustakaan Komnas HAM | Tersedia |
Informasi Detil
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No. Panggil |
GEN II Human/2016
Penerbit | Johns Hopkins University Press : Hanover., 2016 |
Deskripsi Fisik |
303 pages; 23 x 15 cm.
Bahasa |
Klasifikasi |
Tipe Isi |
Tipe Media |
Tipe Pembawa |
Edisi |
Volume 38 Number 3 August 2016
Subyek |
Development and human rights
Freedom of religion HR education; Pendidikan HAM Malaysia Turki Rwanda women rights Hak Perempuan NGO Pendidikan Hak Asasi Manusia Kebebasan Beragama LGBT Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM) United Nation Working Group Kerja Bersama PBB Museum Pembangunan dan hak asasi manusia Children's literature Literatur anak |
Info Detil Spesifik |
Pernyataan Tanggungjawab |
Versi lain/terkait
Judul | Edisi | Bahasa |
Human Rights Quarterly Volume 38 Number 1 February 2016: A Comparative and International Journal of the Social Sciences, Humanities, and Law | Volume 38 Number 1 February 2016 | en |
Human Rights Quarterly Volume 38 Number 2 May 2016: A Comparative and International Journal of the Social Sciences, Humanities, and Law | Volume 38 Number 2 May 2016 | en |
Human Rights Quarterly Volume 38 Number 4 November 2016: A Comparative and International Journal of the Social Sciences, Humanities, and Law | Volume 38 Number 4 November 2016 | en |