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Research Handbook on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
This fascinating Handbook explores the interplay between international human rights law and international humanitarian law, offering expert analysis on the increasingly complex issues surrounding their application in armed conflicts across the world.
Contributors to this volume provide a comprehensive treatment of the ongoing relationship between human rights law and humanitarian law, from the historical background and origins of the two bodies of law to their various applications today. Divided into four parts – Historical Background, Common Issues, The Need for a Combined Approach, and Monitoring Mechanisms – the Handbook presents a rich and varied spectrum of original research and thought from some of the brightest minds in the field.
This groundbreaking volume will surely have great appeal for anyone with a professional or academic interest in human rights law and humanitarian law, from students to professors to practitioners in the field.
1. The History of International Human Rights Law
Maya Hertig Randall
2. Human Rights Law and International Humanitarian Law between 1945 and the Aftermath of the Teheran Conference of 1968
Robert Kolb
3. Theories on the Relationship between International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law
Hans-Joachim Heintze
4. The Position of Individuals in Public International Law through the Lens of Diplomatic Protection: The Principle and its Transfiguration
Giovanni Distefano
5. The Relationship between International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law: An Overview
Vera Gowlland-Debbas and Gloria Gaggioli
6. Extraterritorial Application of the Human Rights to Life and Personal Liberty, Including habeas corpus, During Situations of Armed Conflict
Robert K. Goldman
7. Proportionality in the European Convention on Human Rights
Enzo Cannizzaro and Francesca De Vittor
8. Human Rights Obligations of Non-state Armed Groups: A Possible Contribution from Customary International Law?
Jean-Marie Henckaerts and Cornelius Wiesener
9. Positive Obligations in Human Rights Law During Armed Conflicts
Sandra Krähenmann
10. Some Reflections on the Principle of Humanity in its Wide Dimension
Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade
11. Specificities of Human Rights Law and International Humanitarian Law Regarding State Responsibility
Christian Tomuschat
12. The Quest for a Non-conflictual Coexistence of International Human Rights Law and Humanitarian Law: Which Role for the lex specialis Principle?
Jean d’Aspremont and Elodie Tranchez
13. A lex favorabilis? Resolving Norm Conflicts between Human Rights Law and Humanitarian Law
Anne-Laurence Graf-Brugère
14. The Law of Occupation and Human Rights Law: Some Selected Issues
Tristan Ferraro
15. Humanitarian Assistance to Protect Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law
Roberto Giuffrida
16. The Prohibition of Enforced Disappearances: A Meaningful Example of a Partial Merger between Human Rights Law and International Humanitarian Law
Gloria Gaggioli
17. ‘Humanitarian Rights’: How to Ensure Respect for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law in Armed Conflicts
Dan Kuwali
18. Human Rights Law and International Humanitarian Law as Limits for Security Council Action
Michael Bothe
19. UN Territorial Administrations: Between International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law
Ivan Ingravallo
20. International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Rules in Agreements Regulating or Terminating an Internal Armed Conflict
Luisa Vierucci
21. Universal Human Rights Bodies and International Humanitarian Law
Walter Kälin
22. The Inter-American Court of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law
Hélène Tigroudja
23. The European Court of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law
Lindsay Moir
24. The African Union and International Humanitarian Law
?Djacoba Liva Tehindrazanarivelo
25. A New World Court of Human Rights: A Role for International Humanitarian Law?
Manfred Nowak
26. The International Committee of the Red Cross and Human Rights Law
?Godofredo Torreblanca
27. The International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission and the Law of Human Rrights
Eric David
28. Human Rights in the Context of International Criminal Law: Respecting Them and Ensuring Respect for Them
Damien Scalia
29. Is There a Need for New International Humanitarian Law Implementation Mechanisms?
Paolo Benvenuti and Giulio Bartolini
30. Reparation for Individual Victims of Armed Conflict
Elke Schwager
7509 | INT X.10 Research/2013 | Perpustakaan Komnas HAM | Tersedia |
Informasi Detil
Judul Seri |
No. Panggil |
INT X.10 Research/2013
Penerbit | Edward Elgar : Cheltenham., 2013 |
Deskripsi Fisik |
xiii, 684 p.; 25 x 18 cm.
Bahasa |
978 1 84980 035 8
Klasifikasi |
INT X.10
Tipe Isi |
Tipe Media |
Tipe Pembawa |
Edisi |
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